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With more than 2.5 million people, Zealand is the most inhabited island in Denmark and home to almost half the overall population. Immense and spectacular, this immense landmass consists of some of the busiest cities and most spectacular scenery across the nation.

Naestved, Elsinore and Roskilde are some of the major metropolis on the island but Copenhagen is arguably the most intriguing city of them all. The regions capital is now a modern city with ample world class restaurants, designer stores and fashion conscious locals, yet Copenhagen still manages to retain an ancient charm with many iconic landmarks, art galleries, craft shops and historical buildings.

Although the cities have enough about them to hold the interest of visitors over a weekend, the real attraction and main draw of Zealand is the stunning scenery and multiple towns which lay claim to Denmarks most popular holiday destinations. Often referred to as the Danish Riviera, just a small distance from Copenhagen, white sandy beaches, beautiful bays and charming accommodation options are scattered along the coastline.

Once the stomping grounds for ancient Kings and fearsome armies, the coastline is a fine example of nature infused with the remnants of an old world, for it is here, where you can find leafy woodlands, open green landscapes and unspoiled beaches, next to medieval manors, many ancient burial grounds and the majestic Kronburg castle, a World Heritage Site and the setting for the infamous Hamlet by Shakespeare.

Connected to the Jutland peninsula with an impressive bridge, in Norse mythology it is said that the island was created by the Goddess Gefjun who stole a piece of land from a nearby King and the mainland of Sweden. Regardless, Zealand is an awe inspiring region where the old world mixes seamlessly with the new, and where the beauty of nature is never far from the busy city.